The Connection Between Soil Type and Foundation Problems

The health and stability of your home’s foundation are strongly influenced by the soil it’s built upon. Understanding the characteristics of the soil under your house can help you foresee potential foundation issues and take necessary measures to prevent them. In this blog post, we’ll explore the connection between soil types and foundation problems, courtesy of the expertise at Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair.

The Connection Between Soil Type and Foundation Problems

Soil Types and Their Impact

Different soil types possess distinct characteristics, including their capacity to retain water, expand, contract, and bear weight. All these factors can potentially influence the integrity of your home’s foundation.

Expansive Clay Soils

Expansive clay soils, common in many regions of Texas, swell when wet and shrink when dry. This constant expansion and contraction can exert pressure on your home’s foundation, causing it to crack and move, leading to potential structural damage. This is the most common type of soil in North Texas. 

Sandy Soils

Sandy soils drain quickly and have little capacity to retain moisture or support weight. This means that in areas with sandy soils, foundations may shift due to the lack of support, leading to uneven settling.

Loamy Soils

Loamy soils, a well-balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, are considered ideal for supporting foundations as they offer good drainage and weight-bearing capacity. However, improper drainage or extreme weather conditions can still pose challenges.

Recognizing Foundation Problems

Signs of foundation issues can vary, but common indicators include:

Cracks in walls, floors, or the foundation itself

Doors or windows that stick or won’t close properly

Uneven or sagging floors

Gaps between the wall and ceiling or floor

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek professional help promptly to mitigate any potential damage.

Preventative Measures: Working With Soil Types

Understanding your soil type can help you take preventative measures to safeguard your home’s foundation.

For expansive clay soils, maintaining consistent moisture levels can help prevent excessive expansion and contraction. This might involve regular watering during dry periods, using techniques such as soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems.

For sandy soils, ensuring your home has a solid, well-constructed foundation that can distribute its weight evenly is crucial. Additional support methods, such as piers or pilings, might be required.

Regardless of soil type, proper drainage is essential to prevent water buildup around the foundation, which can lead to issues like soil erosion or oversaturation.

The Role of Professionals

While understanding the connection between soil types and foundation problems is important, managing these issues requires professional knowledge and expertise. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we are committed to providing the best foundation solutions for your specific needs, soil type, and environmental conditions.

The type of soil beneath your home plays a vital role in the health of your foundation. By understanding this connection, you can be better prepared to maintain your foundation’s integrity and longevity.

If you have any concerns about your home’s foundation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair. With our team’s extensive experience and knowledge, we can help ensure your home remains safe and structurally sound.


How to Prevent Foundation Damage with Proper Watering Techniques

A strong, stable foundation is integral to maintaining the structural integrity of your home. However, the health of your foundation is significantly influenced by factors in your environment, including the moisture levels in the soil surrounding it. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we understand the importance of balance in maintaining the health of your home’s foundation. In this article, we will explore how to minimize foundation damage with proper watering techniques.

How to Prevent Foundation Damage with Proper Watering Techniques

The Importance of Proper Watering

The soil beneath your home plays a crucial role in supporting your foundation. In areas with expansive clay soil, like many parts of Texas, changes in soil moisture can cause the soil to swell when wet and shrink when dry. This movement can put stress on your foundation, leading to cracks and other types of damage.

Implementing a consistent watering program can help maintain stable moisture levels in the soil and minimize its expansion and contraction, thus helping to protect foundation.

Techniques for Effective Foundation Watering

Effective foundation watering doesn’t necessarily mean more watering; it’s more about consistency and distribution. Here are some strategies to consider:

Utilize a Soaker Hose

Soaker hoses are a great tool for foundation watering. Position the hose about 12-18 inches from the foundation (nearer for flat yards and farther away for sloped yards) and let it run long enough for water to soak down several inches into the soil. This can be particularly useful during dry spells. This should be done several times per week (generally) during the hottest, driest times of the year. 

Implement Drip Irrigation

A drip irrigation system can provide a slow, steady supply of water to the soil around your foundation. By delivering water directly to the soil, you can maintain a consistent moisture level without overwatering. The frequency of this method should be similar to that of using the soaker hose. 

Mind Your Landscaping

While maintaining soil moisture, be mindful of where you plant trees and shrubs. Their root systems can draw significant amounts of water from the soil, potentially leading to uneven soil moisture and foundation stress. Generally smaller shrubs around the home are better than larger ones.  

Best Practices for Foundation Watering

While watering is crucial, it’s essential to strike a balance:

Don’t Overwater

Excessive water can make the soil oversaturated and lead to unnecessary soil expansion, which can also stress your foundation. This is usually only done by homeowners if they water during the wet and cool season.  

Keep an Eye on Weather Patterns

Monitor local weather patterns and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. In times of heavy rainfall, scale back on your watering. Conversely, during hot, dry spells, you will need to water more often.

The Role of Professionals

Understanding and implementing proper watering techniques is an effective step towards maintaining the health of your home’s foundation. However, if you notice signs of foundation issues—such as cracks in walls, doors not closing correctly, or uneven floors—it’s important to contact a professional.

Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair has a long history of helping homeowners maintain and repair their foundations. Our team of experienced professionals can assess the health of your foundation and recommend the best course of action to ensure the safety and value of your home.

Remember, preventative measures can save significant repair costs in the future. So, keep an eye on your foundation, maintain consistent watering habits, and reach out to us when you need expert advice or service.  Contact us today for more information!

The Benefits of Polyurethane Foam Injection for Foundation Repair

In the world of foundation repair, the evolving technologies and methods allow us to provide efficient and effective solutions for various foundation problems. One such innovative technique is the use of polyurethane foam injection. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we have adopted this method to resolve many foundation issues. Let’s delve into why polyurethane foam injection is gaining popularity in the foundation repair industry and the benefits it can offer to homeowners.

The Benefits of Polyurethane Foam Injection for Foundation Repair

Understanding Polyurethane Foam Injection

Polyurethane foam injection. polyfoam injection, is a process that involves injecting a high-density polyurethane foam into the soil underneath a structure’s foundation. This is done through small holes drilled into the concrete, and the foam then expands, filling voids and lifting.

Key Benefits of Polyurethane Foam Injection

Quick and Efficient

One of the most significant advantages of polyurethane foam injection is its efficiency. The process is much faster than traditional repair methods, often completed in just a few hours. This quick turnaround time results in minimal disruption to your daily life.

Effective Lifting Capability

The expanding properties of polyurethane foam allow for effective control over the lifting process. This means the foam can be carefully manipulated to lift the foundation to the desired level, offering excellent results in terms of restoring and improving foundation stability.

Water Resistant

Polyurethane foam is highly resistant to water. This means it will not wash away or degrade over time, even in areas prone to significant moisture or water flow. This makes it a durable solution for foundation repair.

Minimal Impact on the Slab and/or Floor Covering

Given the small size of the injection holes (usually about 5/8 inch), there is minimal impact on your slab and/or floor covering during the process. The holes are filled after the procedure, leaving minimum trace of the repair work.

Environmentally Friendly

High-quality polyurethane foams used in foundation repair are typically environmentally friendly. They do not contain harmful chemicals that could potentially seep into the surrounding soil, making it an environmentally friendly choice for foundation repair.

Trust Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we are committed to using the best techniques and materials available to provide you with superior foundation repair services. Polyurethane foam injection is just one of the advanced methods we employ to ensure your home remains safe and stable.


We understand the unique challenges of maintaining and repairing foundations, and our expert team is trained to deliver top-notch, efficient, and lasting solutions to protect your most significant investment—your home.


If you suspect foundation issues or simply want peace of mind, reach out to Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair today. We’re ready to evaluate your foundation and provide the expert services you need for a secure and stable home.


The Impact of Climate on Your Foundation Health

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we understand the importance of a solid foundation. Your home’s foundation is its base, its rock-solid support that keeps it standing strong. However, did you know that your local climate can have a significant impact on the health of your foundation? Let’s delve into how the climate affects your foundation and the steps you can take to maintain its stability.

The Impact of Climate on Your Foundation Health

How Climate Impacts Foundation Health

To understand how climate impacts your foundation, it’s essential to recognize that your foundation is exposed to the elements. In regions with heavy rainfall, soil around your foundation absorbs water and swells, exerting pressure against foundation walls. Similarly, in areas prone to drought, soil contraction can lead to a foundation settling or even cracking.

The freeze-thaw cycle in colder climates also wreaks havoc on foundations. Water seeping into tiny foundation cracks can freeze, expand, and enlarge those cracks, leading to serious structural issues over time.

Understanding the Effects of Different Climates

  1. Rainy and Humid Climates

In regions with high precipitation or humidity, foundations are constantly under threat from water. Excessive moisture can lead to the expansion of clay-rich soils, which in turn press against the foundation, causing it to bow, crack, or upheave. Drainage issues and mold or mildew growth are also common concerns in these climates.

  1. Dry and Arid Climates

Contrarily, in dry climates, soil shrinkage due to lack of moisture can lead to foundation movement or settling. This can result in the formation of cracks in your foundation and the walls and floors of your home.

  1. Cold Climates

In cold climates, the freeze-thaw cycle poses a significant threat. Foundations, particularly those made of concrete, are porous and absorb water. When temperatures drop, this water freezes and expands, causing cracks or fissures.

Safeguarding Your Foundation from Climate Impact

Regardless of the climate, there are several ways to help safeguard your foundation. First, ensure your home has proper drainage systems in place to prevent water buildup around the foundation. In dry climates, consider using a soaker hose around your foundation during prolonged dry spells to prevent soil contraction.

For homes in colder climates, proper insulation is crucial to limit the impact of the freeze-thaw cycle. Ensuring your foundation is adequately waterproofed is also beneficial in all climates.

Finally, regular foundation inspections are essential for catching early signs of climate-induced damage. By proactively addressing any issues, you can often prevent more serious, costly repairs down the line.

Trust Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair

Understanding the impact of climate on foundation health can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we have years of experience assessing and repairing climate-related foundation damage. We provide expert advice, quality workmanship, and customized solutions to protect your home’s foundation against your specific climate challenges.

Remember, the health of your foundation is paramount to the overall stability and safety of your home. Don’t let climate be your downfall; take action today to ensure a solid and secure foundation for the future.

Stay grounded with Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair—your home’s foundation health is our priority. Contact us today!

The Importance of Regular Foundation Inspections and Maintenance

As a homeowner in the Dallas area, you take great pride in your property. You work hard to maintain your home’s interior and exterior, ensuring that it’s a safe and comfortable place for you and your family to live. However, there’s one critical aspect of home maintenance that many homeowners overlook: foundation inspections.

Your home’s foundation is its most important structural component, and any issues with it can have a significant impact on your home’s safety, structural integrity, and value. Regular foundation inspections are crucial for detecting problems early and preventing costly repairs.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of regular foundation inspections for Dallas homeowners and why you should choose Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair for all your foundation needs.

The Importance of Regular Foundation Inspections and Maintenance

Why Are Regular Foundation Inspections Important?

Regular foundation inspections are helpful for identifying any issues that may be developing with your home’s foundation. These issues can range from minor cracks to severe structural damage, and if left untreated, they can lead to more significant problems, including:

Foundation Settlement: Foundation settlement occurs when the soil beneath your home’s foundation shrinks, causing the foundation to sink or settle. This can lead to cracks, uneven floors, and other structural problems.

Foundation Cracks: Foundation cracks are a common problem in Dallas homes, and they can be caused by a variety of factors, including soil movement, water damage, and temperature changes. Cracks can lead to water infiltration, pest infestations, and other issues.

Structural Damage: Structural damage can occur when foundation issues are left untreated. This can include damage to walls, floors, and ceilings, as well as problems with windows and doors.

Regular foundation inspections can help detect these problems early, allowing for prompt repairs before they lead to more significant issues.

Why Choose Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair?

If you’re looking for a reliable foundation repair company in the Dallas area, look no further than Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair. Our team of experts has years of experience in foundation repair, and we use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that your home’s foundation is in top condition.

We offer a range of services to meet your needs, including foundation inspections, foundation repair, and slab repair. Our team uses advanced tools and equipment to accurately diagnose any issues with your foundation and develop a customized repair plan that fits your specific needs.

We also offer competitive pricing to help make our services more affordable for homeowners. We understand that foundation repairs can be a significant investment, and we’re committed to providing our customers with the highest quality service at a fair price.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Regular foundation inspections are critical for maintaining the safety, structural integrity, and value of your home. Don’t wait until it’s too late to address foundation issues. Contact Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair today to schedule your foundation inspection and ensure that your home’s foundation is in top condition.

Regular foundation inspections are crucial for Dallas homeowners, and Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair is the best choice for all your foundation needs. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience needed to ensure that your home’s foundation is in top condition. Contact us today to schedule your foundation inspection and take the first step toward ensuring the safety, structural integrity, and value of your home.

Inappropriate Landscaping Practices: What to Avoid to Protect Your Foundation

Welcome to another informative blog post from Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair. Today, we’ll be tackling an often-overlooked issue: inappropriate landscaping practices that can jeopardize the health of your foundation.

Inappropriate Landscaping Practices: What to Avoid to Protect Your Foundation

Understanding the Connection Between Landscaping and Foundations

Landscaping and foundations may seem like two separate elements of your home, but they’re closely intertwined. The way you landscape your yard can significantly impact the stability and integrity of your home’s foundation. Understanding this connection is helpful for preserving your home’s value and preventing costly repairs.

Watering Your Landscape

While watering your landscape is essential, overwatering can lead to serious foundation issues. Excessive water can cause the soil around your foundation to expand, putting pressure on your foundation walls and leading to cracks or damage. Conversely, allowing the soil to dry out completely can also be harmful, as it may cause the soil to contract away from the foundation, leading to instability.

Planting Trees Too Close to Your Home

While trees can add beauty and value to your property, planting them too close to your home can cause issues for your foundation. Tree roots can extend far beneath the soil, potentially disrupting your foundation over time by drawing surprisingly large amounts of water from the soil. 

As a rule of thumb, large trees should be planted at least 20 feet away from your home, while smaller trees should be at least 10 feet away. Large shrubs will also draw water from the supporting soil under your foundation. Generally only plant shrubs that will grow no more than 2-3 feet tall near the foundation. 

Improper Drainage Systems

Improper drainage is a common landscaping mistake that can lead to foundation damage. If water pools near your foundation or if your yard slopes towards your home, the excess water can penetrate your foundation, leading to issues like upheaval or basement flooding.

While landscaping can enhance the beauty of your home, it’s crucial to avoid these inappropriate practices to protect your foundation. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we’re not just about repairs; we’re about prevention and education. Reach out to us today for more information on maintaining a healthy foundation.

Remember, a little knowledge and the right practices can save you from expensive foundation repairs down the line. Contact us today!

Protect Your Home and Foundation With Drainage Correction

The integrity of your home’s foundation can be affected by improper drainage. Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair understands that drainage correction can be a vital component of maintaining a stable foundation. Inadequate drainage can lead to problems, including foundation instability, cracking, and even failure. This blog will discuss the importance of drainage correction and the various methods that can be employed to promote a more stable foundation for your home.

Protect Your Home and Foundation With Drainage Correction

Consequences of Poor Drainage

Soil Expansion and Contraction:

When water accumulates around the foundation, it can cause the soil to expand, causing upheaval of the foundation. This upheaval can lead to cracks, door misalignments and other problems.

Foundation Settling:

Drying of underlying soils causes contraction of the soils which, in turn, can cause settlement of the foundation. The more soils under the foundation upheave, the more they can settle when the soils dries out again.

Methods of Drainage Correction

Gutters and Downspouts:

Properly functioning gutters and downspouts can be helpful for directing water away from your home’s foundation. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and repairing damaged sections, will help ensure that water is effectively channeled away from your property.

Grading and Sloping:

The slope of the ground around your home plays a crucial role in drainage. Ideally, the ground should slope away from your home at a gradient of at least 5% for a distance of 10 feet. This helps to prevent water from pooling near the foundation and causing damage.

French Drains:

A French drain is a trench filled with gravel or rock that contains a perforated pipe designed to redirect water away from your foundation. These drains can be designed for collecting underground water (seepage) or for collecting surface water. French drains can be an effective solution for homes with persistent drainage issues.

Sump Pumps:

Installing a sump pump in your crawl space can help to remove excess water and prevent flooding. A sump pump collects water in a basin and pumps it away from your home, helping to keep the ground under your foundation dry. However, if large amounts or water collect under a substantial part of the crawlspace then the sump pump alone may not have a sufficient correction. French drains combined with a sump may be needed. 


Surface (or area) drains:

Surface drains are designed to collect surface water around the foundation and/or in the yard. These can be used to prevent or reduce standing water around the foundation or in problem areas in the yard or on patios, drivewasy and sidewalks.

Maintaining Your Drainage System

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your drainage system functioning optimally. This includes cleaning gutters and downspouts, inspecting and repairing any damage, and ensuring that your property’s grading and sloping remain effective. Additionally, it’s important to address any drainage issues as soon as they arise to prevent further damage to your foundation.

Protect Your Home with Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair

Proper drainage correction is important for maintaining a strong and stable foundation. Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair offers comprehensive drainage solutions, including surface drains and French drain systems. Help protect your home and avoid costly foundation repairs by investing in proper drainage correction with Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair. Contact us today for more information!


Role of Foundation Repair in Maintaining the Value of Your Home

Your home is likely one of your biggest investments, and maintaining its value is important for long-term financial stability. One crucial component of maintaining the value of your home is foundation repair. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of foundation repair in maintaining the value of your home and how Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair can help.

The Role of Foundation Repair in Maintaining the Value of Your Home

What is Foundation Repair?

Foundation repair refers to any repairs or maintenance performed on the foundation of your home. This can include repairs for cracks, settling, and other issues that can compromise the stability of your home.

The Role of Foundation Repair in Maintaining Home Value

Foundation repair plays a crucial role in maintaining the value of your home. Here are a few ways that foundation repair can help maintain your home’s value:

  1. Preventing Further Damage

If left untreated, foundation issues can lead to further damage to your home. By addressing the issue early with foundation repair, you can prevent further damage and maintain the integrity of your home.

  1. Increasing Home Value

By repairing foundation issues, you can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often hesitant to purchase homes with foundation issues, so by repairing the issue, you can increase the appeal and value of your home.

  1. Ensuring Structural Integrity

The foundation is the backbone of your home’s structural integrity. By repairing foundation issues, you can ensure that your home remains stable and safe for you and your family.

How Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair Can Help

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we understand the importance of maintaining the value of your home. Here are a few ways that we can help:

  1. Customizable Solutions

We offer customizable solutions for foundation repair. We’ll work with you to determine the best solution for your specific needs and budget.

  1. Expert Technicians

Our technicians are experts in foundation repair and have years of experience. They’ll ensure that the repair process is done correctly and effectively.

  1. Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive pricing for all of our foundation repair services. We understand that foundation repair can be costly, and we strive to offer affordable solutions to our customers.

  1. Lifetime Warranty

We offer a lifetime warranty on all of our foundation repair services. This ensures that you can have peace of mind knowing that your home’s foundation is in good hands.

Maintaining the value of your home is important for long-term financial stability. Foundation repair plays a crucial role in maintaining the value of your home by preventing further damage, increasing home value, and ensuring structural integrity. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we offer customizable solutions, expert technicians, competitive pricing, and a lifetime warranty for all of our foundation repair services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help maintain the value of your home.

Preventing Foundation Damage with Polyurethane Foam Injection

If you’ve noticed cracks in your foundation, it’s important to address the issue before it gets worse. One solution for preventing further damage to your foundation is polyurethane foam injection. In this blog post, we’ll explore how polyurethane foam injection can prevent further damage to your foundation and how Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair can help.

How Polyurethane Foam Injection Can Prevent Further Damage to Your Foundation

What is Polyurethane Foam Injection?

Polyurethane foam injection is a foundation repair technique that involves injecting a specialized foam into the soil beneath your foundation. The foam expands and hardens, creating a supportive layer that can help prevent further damage to your foundation.

How Polyurethane Foam Injection Can Prevent Further Damage to Your Foundation

Polyurethane foam injection is a highly effective method for preventing further damage to your foundation. Here are a few ways that it can help:

  1. Filling in Void Spaces

If your foundation is settling, it’s likely due to void spaces beneath your foundation. These void spaces can cause your foundation to sink and crack. Polyurethane foam injection can help fill in these void spaces, providing additional support to your foundation and preventing further settling.

  1. Stabilizing Your Foundation

Polyurethane foam injection can also help stabilize your foundation by providing additional support. The foam hardens and creates a solid layer beneath your foundation, which can help prevent further movement and settling.

  1. Waterproofing Your Foundation

Polyurethane foam injection can also help prevent water from penetrating your foundation. The foam expands and hardens, creating a barrier that can help keep water out and prevent further damage.

How Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair Can Help

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we understand the importance of preventing further damage to your foundation. Here are a few ways that we can help:

  1. Customizable Solutions

We offer customizable solutions for foundation repair, including polyurethane foam injection. We’ll work with you to determine the best solution for your specific needs and budget.

  1. Expert Technicians

Our technicians are experts in foundation repair and have years of experience with polyurethane foam injection. They’ll ensure that the process is done correctly and effectively.

  1. Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive pricing for all of our foundation repair services, including polyurethane foam injection. We understand that foundation repair can be costly, and we strive to offer affordable solutions to our customers.

If you’re experiencing foundation issues, it’s important to address the issue before it gets worse. Polyurethane foam injection is a highly effective method for preventing further damage to your foundation. By filling in void spaces, stabilizing your foundation, and waterproofing your foundation, polyurethane foam injection can help keep your foundation in good condition. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we offer customizable solutions for foundation repair, including polyurethane foam injection. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help prevent further damage to your foundation.

Solving Drainage Issues to Prevent Foundation Damage

Dallas is known for its hot summers, frequent storms, and unpredictable weather patterns. This type of weather can lead to serious drainage issues that, if left unchecked, can cause severe foundation damage. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we believe that prevention is the key to avoiding costly foundation repairs, and solving drainage issues is a crucial part of that prevention.

Solving Drainage Issues to Prevent Foundation Damage

Why Drainage is Important in Dallas

Dallas is located in a region with clay soil, which is notorious for expanding and contracting with changes in moisture content. When the soil around your home becomes oversaturated due to improper drainage, it can cause the soil to swell and put pressure on your foundation walls. Conversely, during periods of drought, the clay soil can shrink and pull away from your foundation, leaving it unsupported and vulnerable to cracking and shifting.

Without proper drainage, excess water can accumulate around your foundation, causing erosion and weakening the soil. Over time, this can lead to foundation settling, cracking, and other serious issues that can compromise the structural integrity of your home.

Common Drainage Issues

The following are some of the most common drainage issues that homeowners in Dallas face:

  1. Poor Grading: If the slope of your yard is not graded properly, water can accumulate around your foundation, leading to foundation damage.
  2. Clogged Gutters and Downspouts: Gutters and downspouts are designed to channel water away from your foundation. If they become clogged with debris, they can’t function properly, leading to water damage and foundation issues.
  3. Improper Drainage Systems: Without a proper drainage system, water from heavy rainfall can accumulate around your foundation, leading to foundation damage.
  4. Clay Soil: As mentioned earlier, the clay soil in Dallas is prone to expanding and contracting with moisture changes, which can lead to foundation damage if proper drainage is not in place.

How Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair Can Help

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we offer a variety of solutions to solve drainage issues and prevent foundation damage. Some of the services we provide include:

  1. French Drain Installation: We can install a French drain system that redirects excess water away from your foundation, preventing water from accumulating and causing foundation damage.
  2. Surface Drainage Solutions: We can install surface drainage solutions such as catch basins, grates, and swales to divert water away from your foundation and prevent damage.
  3. Foundation Grading: We can evaluate the slope of your yard and make necessary adjustments to ensure that water flows away from your foundation.
  4. Gutter and Downspout Installation: We can install new gutters and downspouts or repair existing ones to ensure that they function properly and channel water away from your foundation.

At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we understand the importance of preventing foundation damage and solving drainage issues. That’s why we offer a free foundation evaluation and estimate to help identify potential issues before they become major problems.

Solving drainage issues is a crucial step in preventing foundation damage in Dallas. At Hargrave Custom Foundation Repair, we offer a variety of services to help ensure that your home is protected from potential foundation damage caused by drainage issues. Contact us today to schedule a free foundation evaluation and estimate to protect your home from costly repairs.